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Wednesday 26 October 2011



Bullet Train, Japan
Travel around the world is an old passion, the golden civilisation of Arabs, Chinese, Hindus, Persians & Himalayans had inked great stories of trade, travel, tradition, culture & hospitality. The people from the South Asia & the Middle East use to travel to each other by ships or by road through a long route from Iran, Kuwait to main Arabian Peninsula & vice versa, now, in this modern era, means of transportation and route are dramatically changed, for example, United Kingdom, once apart from main land of Europe for ages, but now connected by undersea tunnel called “Channel Tunnel”. Moreover, high speed train like Bullet Train & Maglev (with the speed of 581 km/h, can compete aeroplane), made it possible to travel far / long distances in minutes. So it is now the time to link the world oldest civilisations or two gigantic landmasses by “Bridge or Undersea Tunnel”, which is never done before. The details of the proposed project, is as under:
To connect the South Asia to the Middle East, in order, to reduce the travelling distance, time & cost as compare to present day, as well as, easily mass transaction of goods & people across the sea, there exists a dire need of a Cross-sea Bridge or Undersea Tunnel, which will increase the import & export activities from both the sides as well as to boost growth, prosperity & development immensely in the Countries located nearby. In this regard a complete feasibility report has been carried out, as to see the possibility of this “History Turning Point”.
At first, a name “Al-Khushi” is given to the proposed Cross-sea Bridge or Undersea Tunnel. The etymology of word “Al-Khushi” is also unique as the project itself. The word is derived from Arabic, (a language of the Middle East) and Urdu (Language of the South Asian Countries, such as India, Pakistan & Nepal), languages. “Al” is taken from Arabic, means “The” and “Khushi” is taken from Urdu means “Happiness & Cheerfulness”, collectively, it is, “The Happiness”, means “Welcome the happiness & prosperity from both sides i.e. The Middle East & The South Asia”, as well as, a symbol of “Friendship” between two gigantic landmasses, as to create the atmosphere of fair trade wind. There are three ways to connect these two landmasses across the sea:
Types of Tunnels
a.      By Cross-sea Bridge
b.      By Undersea Tunnel  
  i.   Submerged Floating  
   Tunnel ( No. 2 in Picture)
  ii.  Immersed Tube Tunnel
             ( No. 3 in Picture)
           iii.  Undersea (beneath 
             Seabed) Tunnel
             ( No. 4 in Picture)
         c.      By Bridge-Tunnel (is the combination of Bridge & any type of tunnel, the tunnel usually located at chokepoint (The busiest sea route) / central point, allowing smooth functioning of ships as well as nearby air traffic, the fine example of the same is “Oresund Bridge” between Denmark & Sweden). 
Oresund Bridge, Sweden Side
Oresund Bridge, Denmark Side

To connect these landmasses, the Gulf of Oman & Strait of Hormuz along-with its boundaries has been investigated deeply & carefully from all the relevant aspects. Accordingly, following three nearest plans / points have been found suitable to connect the South Asia to the Middle East:   
    Plan-A:  Jiwani, Pakistan to Muscat, Oman
    Plan-B:  Point between Bala Boland & Berizak, Iran to Limah, Oman
    Plan-C:  Khammasi Island, Iran to Khasab, Oman

Jiwani, Pakistan to Muscat, Oman, (353 Km distance)
Point between Bala Boland & Berizak, Iran to Limah, Oman (75km)
Khammasi Island, Iran to Point Near Khasab, Oman (55km)
The Plan-A, will connect the South Asia (Pakistan) to Oman (the Middle East) directly through Cross-sea Bridge or Undersea Tunnel, while, the Plan-B & Plan-C will connect the South Asia to the Middle East indirectly through Iran. The distance from Jiwani to Bala Boland & Bandar Abbas is 588km & 900km respectively. The Comparative Statement of proposed plans & Current State of Bridge & Tunnel in the world is as under:  
              Comparative Statement of Proposed Plans
                                                                                                                        Estimated Duration
                                                                   Estimated Cost                             of Construction
Description         Total            Depth    Crosssea      Undersea     Total       Bridge     Tunnel      Total
                           Distance     (In Mid)    Bridge          Tunnel          Cost                                            Period
                                                of Sea

Plan-A   353km    3326m   $18 Billion $23 Bil   $41.8 Bil   5 yrs   39 yrs    44 yrs           

Plan-B     75km     100m      $4 Billion   $5 Bil     $9.8 Bil    3 yrs   8 yrs     11 yrs

Plan-C    55km     104m       $3 Billion   $3.6 Bil   $7.4 Bil   2 yrs   6 yrs      8 yrs

Note: As the Bullet Train will also be commenced, so the cost of Bullet Train 
           is $80 Million per train is included in total cost of each Plan.

         Current State of Bridge & Undersea Tunnel in the World
                                                                                             Duration of
Description         Location                  Length  Tallness    Completion  Opened 

Longest Bridge     Danyang Kunshan     164.8km        -          5 years          2011           
                            Grand Bridge, China

Longest Crosssea  Jiaozhou Bay Bridge    42km         -           3 years         2011
Bridge                   China    

Tallest Height from  Stonecutter Bridge        -         73.5m        5 years        2009
Bridge Deck to        Hong Kong        
Sea level

Tallest Ship             Oasis of the Seas           -         72m          4 years        2011           

Longest Undersea     Seikan Tunnel            54m         -             6 years       1988
Tunnel                      Japan                                                                            

Oasis of the Seas (World Tallest Ship)
Plan-A, is on strategically important position from both sides and also have enough required infrastructure for constructing bridge & tunnel, it will connect hustle bustle city of Muscat, Oman, in a very short time as “An Hour”, thus it will be then possible for people to take a cup of tea in Oman or Pakistan, within an hour by ultra speed of bullet train, which will be a tremendous achievement & ultimate development, especially for the Corporate World. For Plan-A, the best way of connection is Bridge-Tunnel or Submerged Floating Tunnel, because of its distance & chokepoint,  if constructed, it will be the “Longest Bridge or Tunnel” in the world, as this will be the 2nd great honour / title for the Middle East, as the 1st “World Tallest Building” title is also hold by the Middle East.
The proposed Plan-A, will be utilised not only by Pakistan but the countries around the border (i.e. India, China, Afghanistan, & Iran etc),  for the purpose of Import, Export & travel, most interesting thing is that the route will also be utilised for “Religious Tourism”, as well as by skilled & un-skilled workers to immigrate across the sea countries for global experience, as the total number of pilgrims (for Hajj at Saudi Arabia), & skilled & un-skilled workers from Pakistan & around the countries are 424,872 & 2,830,500, respectively, which will increase a handsome remittances & foreign investment as a part of an economic indicator, then, at first, Foreign Investment will increase, due to low exchange rate, availability of reasonable Skilled & Unskilled workers, cheap & fast travel, (within “an hour” visit from Oman), will also attract FDI & Multinational Companies, resultantly, opportunities for growth will raise, eventually GDP, livening standard will be high, in that the “Open Economic System” will start, which will increase the exchange rate. Thus, inflation will decrease and foreign reserves will grow awesomely, which undoubtedly is the symbol of development & prosperity of the Country, business & tourism.                 
As far as, relations between Pakistan and Oman are concerned, the same are characterised by friendliness, cooperation and common perception over regional and international issues. 30% of Omanis are of Balochi origin, and more than 85,000 Pakistani immigrants’ reside in Oman. However, for more real picture, the Comparative means of transpiration is as under, in which the difference of present & post scenario can clearly be seen:


BY SHIP (FOR CARGO)                                               
Between        Sailing      Duration         Average        Annual       Annual Total                                                         
                     Distance    (Average        Freight of    Containers   Freights
                       Port to     Ship Speed     Shipment        Traffic
                       Port)        12 knots/km)   

Pak to Oman  865km   1 day 15 hrs   Rs. 88,150/-   2473     Rs.217 Mil              
(Karachi to                                                                                      
Muscat Port) 

Between          Distance     Duration            Fare        Annual     Total Annual                     
            (Airport       Estimated                          Average       Fare                        
                        to Airport)   Time taken on                  Traffic
                                            Business Jet

Pak to Oman    885km         1 hour       Rs. 25,580/-   4250    Rs. 108.7 Mil     
(Karachi to Muscat)
(with Stopover)       

Between            Distance    Duration         Fare            Annual    Total Annual                                           
                          (Port           Average                             Average      Fare                        
                          to Port)       Ship Speed                         Traffic
                                             12 Knot/km

Pak to Oman    865km      1 day 2 hrs    Rs. 25,000/-   4250    Rs.106 Mil  
(Karachi to Muscat Port)


FOR CARGO) (Rs.70/km)

Between      Distance   Duration               Shipment   Annual      Total Freight   
                                      Average               Average     Containers     
                                      Speed 120 km/h   Freight       Traffic

Pak to Oman   353km    3hrs 34 min    Rs.27,181/-  2473        Rs.67 Mil

Between         Distance   Duration              Fare             Annual   Total Annual   
                                         Average               Rs.30/km    Average      Fare     
                                         Speed 580 km/h                        Traffic

Pak to Oman   353km      1 hour          Rs.10,590/-     4250       Rs.45 Mill 

Between       Distance  Duration              Fare           Annual     Total Annual   
                                      Average               Rs.2/km     Average   Fare       
                                      Speed 140 km/h                      Traffic

Pak to Oman   353km   2hrs 52 min       Rs. 706/-     4250     Rs.3 Mil

Between      Distance  Duration              Fare         Annual       Total Annual   
                                     By Bullet Train   Average   Traffic         Fare                                                                     
                                     & Local Tpt        Traffic

Pak , Oman  1882km    9 hours       Rs. 13,648/- 180,000    Rs.2.456 Bil      
to Saudi Arabia

Plan-B, is less important for the South Asia (Pakistan), as the distance from Pishin Road, Kurumb border to Bala Boland is 588km (8 hours drive), plus the bridge distance 75km. it will connect the South Asian or Pakistan to Middle East in 09 hours, for Iran the plan is on priority No.1, because the distance is only 75 km. The relationship of Iran with the other Middle Eastern Countries is fair, due to many issues & reasons but relationship with Oman has a tradition of cooperation dating back to the Shah of Iran’s regime. Iran has total US$ 934,633 trade with Middle Eastern Countries, which indicates good trade relation. The relationship may further be boosted with construction of the Cross-sea Bridge or Undersea Tunnel.   
Plan-C, is the best route for Iran because it has only 55km distance to connect Oman, but the Island is about 25km far from Port city of Bandar Abbas as well as to connect the Khammasi Island two mini bridges from City of Bandar Abbas to Qishem Island and then Qishem Island to Khammasi is to be built which will increase the distance as well as cost, the total distance will be then 80km, thus it is not suitable for Iran, as well as, this plan is very far and has no value for the South Asian Countries. However, beside the shortest distance of bridge, the plan is on priority No.2 for Iran. As this is a chokepoint and there also located many tiny islands, in the way of the proposed plan in Strait of Hormuz, which are the major hurdles for ship traffic. So the bridge is not suitable here, only Undersea Tunnel can be built.

King Fahd Causeway - between Saudi Arabia & Bahrian

The proposed plan will be built on “Joint Venture”, as the development budget of Pakistan & Oman is 16 Billion (for 2010-2011) & for Iran & Oman is 25 Billion, so Budget for development purposes is available enough to meet the estimated expenditure of the plan on the basis of year to year work. As it is one time investment, the gain from the bridge or undersea tunnel will return the investment in a very short time, due to its strategic position. Since King Fahd Causeway, (link between Saudi Arabia & Bahrain), enjoy the friendship & profitability from the causeway, as upto 60000 vehicles using the causeway only on weekends & 45000 on weekdays. Moreover, other same development projects are also planned & under consideration, such as Qatar-Bahrian Causeway (Planned to be completed in 2015), (this will reduce time of travel from 5 hour via Saudia Arabia to about 30 minutes only), and UAE-Qatar Causeway (proposed plan), (From Abu Dhabi to Doha, it will complete distance between two destination in 4 hours instead of 12 hours from desert via Saudia Arabia).   
Qatar - Bahrain Causeway (Planned)

UAE - Qatar Causeway (Proposed) 
After all, Weather condition along the plans sides are fine, only a cyclone Gonu, once hit Muscat in 2007, which is a natural disaster, but no any other noticeable incident has been found in last century (which is a positive indication). However, many facts & figure in this regard has been collected & compiled in the project (complete project is available), in that, the suitability, affordability & profitability is much high as compare to present day situation the plan will have a great positive impact on the nations across the sea.

Anyhow, your golden suggestions, especially, from Civil Engineers about the project will be highly appreciated. Your likeness & spreading of this link will make it possible to gain the “World Longest Bridge or Undersea Tunnel” title in our name.  

Friday 9 September 2011


Freedom Aires, is my expected visionary world, where people from all across the globe will travel or share their thoughts without any restrictions or barriers. "Freedom" means free (independent in all sense) and "Aires" is the fair wind or taste of this innovative visionary land. In Freedom Airs, there are two parts of “Freedom”, first is Real Space Freedom & second is the Cyberspace Freedom. Real / physical space Freedom in this visionary land is actually the land of the existing world, in which all the countries will be without borders, as once, all the continent of the world was united at the beginning / formation of the world, in one supercontinent called “Pangaea”, the miniature example of which is the Schengen States in the Europe, (where all the countries are open for each other). Just imagine, if the whole world is become one “Superstate”, so how interested it will be. Everyone will be cherished, happy and travel from one place to another with open mind. The world will be like so called “El-Dorado”. 

Second, Freedom Aires is the place of sharing & expressing thoughts to each other all across the world, in sense of Cyberspace Freedom. Since the culture & lifestyle of the people across the world is quietly different, so it will take a long time to be united as one world, however, since, the social awareness has been boosted-up in all the human being in the current decade and revolution of Cyber-culture has gathered the “Global Thoughts” in one platform. So it is now easy to share thoughts & unite people across the borders. The true example of which is the “Arab Spring / Revolutions”, in 2011.

As far as “Aires” (Fair Wind), word “Freedom Aires” is concerned, the same can be defined through the  famous quote that “Spoken words remain exist / suspend in the atmosphere”, so Air / Wind is the only natural source, which borne things here & there, such as, smell, perfume, aroma, scent, drops, sands, pieces, fragments, particles and many more. Thus at the same way thoughts, feelings, vision etc. are also transferred by Airwaves (Electronic Media is the fine example of it), which means, it can arise reaction from the receiver side. Anyhow, the role of air / wind in expressing thoughts is also very important.

So collectively, “Freedom Aires” is the place / land, where innovations around the world is shared or people travel across the borders. As earlier, I mentioned that unification of the world is now like a dream but travelling & sharing on the Net is easy & fast, so let’s share our thoughts together through this phenomenon, as to enjoy the feelings, expressions, innovations, culture or custom of the human being.

Primarily, people thought “Knowledge is Power” now it is still true but new trend is “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”, so let’s come with me and discover the expressions, thoughts, feelings & innovative Mind Wandering across the globe. I described my imagination in the shape of picture / photos, (as says “A picture worth thousands words”). In that, please take a lenient view on my collection of more than 4000 pictures at the following link (Coming soon), enjoy the innovations thoughts and have your comments. Your comments are precious for me. 
Thank You!